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Home » Books Suga From BTS Has Read | Suga Book Recommendations

Books Suga From BTS Has Read | Suga Book Recommendations

Being a BTS fan is not just about the music it’s about so many things and one of them is so many book recommendations. 

Books that Suga has recommended or was seen reading them. I would like to mention that some books that are recommended came directly from Suga’s mouth and some he was just seen reading those books.

Rm and Suga are the members who read the most. Rm is more open about that but many don’t know Suga also reads so many books. So here are some Fiction and Non-Fiction books that came directly from Suga.

All Books Recommended By Suga

1- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Genre:- Fiction, Quest, Adventure

Recommended for 5th Army Fancafe.

The book follows the adventurous journey of a young shepherd named Santiago who dreams of a treasure hidden in an old church. After being told by a fortune teller that he might be able to find treasure in the pyramids of Egypt. Santiago sets out on a quest from Spain to Egypt. Along the way, he comes across several people who guide him. The book has an exciting take on one’s journey of achieving their dreams and the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts.

The author has even sent signed copies of this book’s Korean version to all seven members of BTS

We know BTS songs are about self-discovery, realizations, and dreams. This book is very similar to that. So if you’re thinking of reading a book from Suga’s recommendation then you should definitely pick up this book. 

2- About Her by Banana Yoshimoto 

Genre:- Fiction

Suga mention this in a 2018 business interview’

It’s about two cousin sister Yumiko and Shoichi, who were close as children but went to separate paths as they become adults. They both have their tragic experiences. This novella is about healing from a troubled past with the dark sides of family relationships. And also how we’re spending our life on just one achievement while ignoring other things that will leave us with regrets.

I haven’t found any English version of this book. So I would recommend another book by the same author. As every author has a style of writing and way of thinking. Banana Yoshimoto’s stories are about young modern Japanese women. So you can read another book by Banana Yoshimoto which is Kitchen.

3- Kitchen – Banana Yoshimoto

Genre:- Literary Fiction, Romance

Many say that Suga has read this book. I’m recommending this because this is by the same author of ‘About Her’ that Suga has read.

Mikage is a free-spirited young woman who loves the kitchen. Her parents are no more. She is raised by her grandmother, who has recently passed away. She was taken in by a friend Yoichi and his mother Eriko(who was actually Yoichi’s father). They become an improvised family that soon meets a tragic loss. 

This one talks about mothers, love, tragedy, loneliness, and the power of the kitchen. It’s a short story with another short story Moonlight Shadow. The book is beautifully written and has beautiful perfect phrases.

4- Almond- Sohn Won Pyung

Genre:- Psychological Fiction, Mental health, Coming Of Age

Suga, RM, and J-Hope were seen reading this book in BTS In The Soop season 1.

“This story is, in short, about a monster meeting another monster. One of the monsters is me.”

The book is about a boy named Yunjae, who is suffering from a brain condition called Alexithymia since birth. That makes it hard for him to feel emotions like fear or anger, joy or sorrow. His mother and grandmother look after him. Yunjae grows up in a small loving family. But a sudden tragedy leaves Yunjae alone.

However, he slowly develops an unexpected bond with a boy named Gon, who is a bully. They found many common things among themselves. As Yunjae begins to open his life to new people—including a girl at school—something slowly changes inside him. 

The story is about the impact one can have from love, friendship, and persistence.

It’s a Korean book that is translated into English. It’s simple but a comforting book. It’s not a long story and it is fast pace, so you should definitely try this. 

The triggering things that the book contains are bullying, animal abuse, violence, death, and murder.

All these books that are mentioned above are not long stories. They are less or around 200-250 pages. These books are about self-discovery, realizations, and love which are presented in the form of Fiction. 

Sometimes just reading non-fiction self-help books can get a bit boring but these types of fiction books tell you those things in the form of stories with self-healing elements.  

The next part is gonna be about Non-Fiction Books that Suga has read.

5- Reinventing Your Life by Jeffery Young and Janet Klosko

Genre:- Non-Fiction, Self-Help

Suga was seen with this book during Bang Bang Con 2020 online concert.

The book is written by two psychologists. it is about freeing yourself from self-destructive thoughts. It contains 11 principles of cognitive therapy that can help people to change their negative mindsets. 

As this talks about – how we put others’ needs before us, or If we sometimes find ourselves in a relationship with people where they misunderstand us or are self-centered, etc. You should definitely try this one if you’re struggling with it or just want to know about this. It can be helpful to you too maybe in the future.

6- The Courage To Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga

Genre:- Non-Fiction, Self-Help

Suga was seen reading this book in BTS In The Soop season 2.

Using the theories of Alfred Adler one of the big 19th-century psychologists. The authors have explained how we all are free to determine our own future and free ourselves from the past. Allowing us to develop the courage to change and ignore the limitations that we or others have placed in our minds. 

It teaches us the lessons required to liberate our real selves and find lasting happiness.

7- Life Lessons by Elizabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler

Genre:- Non-Fiction, Psychology

Yoongi was seen with this book back in 2017 December.

The book ‘Life Lessons’, by the author of the classic book, ‘Death and Dying Lady,’ shows how human beings face death and then realize the real meaning of living. It tells you to enjoy your life while you still have it.

If you’re someone who likes to read about life and death or Psychology as a whole then you can definitely try this book.

8- The Interpretation Of Dreams/ On Dreams by Sigmund Freud

Genre:- Non-Fiction

Suga mentioned this book in one of his 2020 FM V-live.

Dreams, according to his theory, represent the hidden fulfillment of our unconscious wishes. This book is quite long and complex but no need to worry the author has also released a shorter version of the book called ‘On Dreams’ which is less than 100 pages. 

One thing you have to keep in mind is that some of his theories were, later on, refused by some psychologists. Yoongi has also mentioned that he is aware that some of Freud’s theories were refused later on. However, he just wanted to understand the origin of this particular psychological theory.  

9- Slam Dunk – Manga

Genre:- Fiction, Coming-of-age Sports

Yoongi has mentioned slam dunk many times, especially in run BTS episodes.

It’s his favorite coming-of-age sports manga series. 

The story centers on a teenager named Hanamichi Sakuragi and gang leader turned basketball player from the Shohoku High School basketball team in order to make Haruko Akagi, a girl he likes, fall in love with him. However, as he learns more about basketball and plays several games, he starts liking the sport.

We know Suga loves basketball and this manga series has that. So if you like manga or you want to read one from Suga’s recommendation then you can try this one.

These were the books that I was able to find that Suga has read. I came across a few more books but I wasn’t able to find if he has really read them or not so I haven’t mentioned those. 

I can really say that these book suggestions are amazing. Most of these are already popular books. 

I remember seeing one of Suga’s videos where he was saying he wants to read psychological books to understand human behavior or the mind or something like that.

If you know his story then you’ll know he also had mental struggles which are mentioned in his solo songs too. Even the books he reads are about self-discovery, realizations, healing, and dealing with stuff which you can also find in his songs.

I hope you would have found some books from Suga’s book suggestions for yourself.

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Prakriti Kajaria

Prakriti Kajaria

I love to talk about books. So I started my Book-Tube channel and then this blog, where you’ll find book reviews and suggestions of different genres mostly thriller, suspense, romance, mystery, and non-fiction.

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