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Ikigai Summary And Review – Hector Gracia and Francesc Miralles

Author:Hector Gracia and Francesc Miralles
Genre:Non-Fiction, Self-Help
Published On:April 2016
No. of Pages:208

This is a review of “Ikigai” by Hector Gracia and Francesc Miralles without any spoilers.

Ikigai is a very popular book. So you must be wondering if this book is worth it or not. 

Ikigai is a non-fiction self-help book that is not boring. Especially not repetitive like most non-fiction self-help books.

What is Ikigai? 

Ikigai is “what you love”, “what is needed”, “what you can be paid for” and “what you’re good at”. When these four things meet that’s your Ikigai.

Ikigai Summary/Plot

Ikigai is a Japanese concept or way of living for the people of Okinawa, Japan. Which holds first place among the World’s Blue Zones. Blue Zones are places where people live longer than average. At those places, most people reach 100 or more.

The book tells you about how they live longer and happier lives without strict diets or rigorous exercise routines.

Ikigai Book Review

This is a very easy-to-read book. Even non-readers or beginners will find this book easy and informative. 

The book talks about different things that the people of Okinawa do that make them longer living people. 

They live simple lives and eat basic food. They eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat. They only fill their stomach at 80%. 

Nowadays this filling stomach only 80% has become popular among many people. You just have to stop eating when you feel your stomach is almost full and there’s still little space left. 

It also focuses on surrounding yourself with good friends and connecting with nature. The authors have also shared some exercises from Tai Chi. 

If you want to slow down and think about the meaning of life then this is a very good book for that. Make sure you keep a pencil with you to underline different things and concepts or words that are mentioned. 

The book does talk about the concept of Ikigai but it doesn’t tell you only about that. It doesn’t go much into explaining that maybe because there isn’t more to explain. However, I did feel that I needed to know more about the Ikigai concept.

Most of the book talks more about longevity. Which is definitely good. 

I don’t actually have any complaints about the book even though it didn’t get more into Ikigai because the other things shared in the book were very good and useful. 

If you’re looking to change something in your life like your lifestyle or diet and want to focus on your both mental and physical health then this book will be very helpful in that. 

That’s what this book is about lifestyle of people who live longer than average. Having a good lifestyle will give you a happy life.

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Prakriti Kajaria

Prakriti Kajaria

I love to talk about books. So I started my Book-Tube channel and then this blog, where you’ll find book reviews and suggestions of different genres mostly thriller, suspense, romance, mystery, and non-fiction.

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