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Home » The Midnight Library Summary And Review – Matt Haig

The Midnight Library Summary And Review – Matt Haig

My Ratings: 4.2/5

Title:The Midnight Library
Author:Matt Haig
Genre:Science Fiction, Fantasy, Philosophical, Literary Fiction
Published On:13 August 2020
No. of Pages:304

This is a review of “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig without any spoilers.

About The Midnight Library Book

The Midnight Library has won Goodreads Literary Fiction 2020 award.

The book is one of New York’s bestsellers. 

RM of BTS was seen reading this book which has increased the popularity of this book among the fans and many people. 

The Midnight Library is a Fiction. But many people find this book as self-help. 

The book covers mental health and regrets as its main topic. 

Trigger Warning⚠️- depression, attempted suicide, death of family members and pet.

Have you ever felt that your life would have been better if you had done something just slightly different? If yes then this book is definitely for you. 

The Midnight Library Summary/Plot

Between life and death, there is a library, and within that library, the shelves go on forever. You can choose a book and try a different possible life you could have had if you had made different choices. 

The story follows a girl named Nora Seed, who is in her mid-30s. She is depressed and full of regrets, and she feels no one in the world needs her so she decides to end her life. 

In doing so between life and death she finds herself in this mysterious midnight library. Which is full of books and possibilities. These books open up a different version of her life. 

She can choose a book and live that life which shows how her life would have been if had made different choices.

The Midnight Library Book Review

The book starts with “19 years before she decided to die”. The start of the book is dark. It can be triggering for some people who are going to those thoughts about ending life. So be careful about that and don’t read if you feel affected by it.

The concept is new and had a unique way to describe regrets, depression, and hope. I never thought that this concept can be described in such a way. 

The book has many profound messages that many people need to hear in their life. Even though the book talks about existential crises and regrets yet it’s written in such a way that most people can read it without getting too affected.

The book teaches that there is no perfect life and that something always going to disappoint you. 

The book starts with a very fast pace then it gets a little slow. It is predictable with no major twist. When you read it you can guess how this book is going to end. But it is an enjoyable read even though you know how it is going to end.

The language is not complex. It is easy to read and also very easy to imagine the description is very good. It makes you feel as if you’re there, in that library.

Before reading the book I thought this is going to be a high fantasy book. Which It is. But it is more of a science fiction book that talks about mental health. Which is explained through quantum physics and the parallel universe. 

Reading non-fiction books is nice but it’s not easy to remember most of them. Those things in the form of a story stay for a longer time with you. 

This is a Literary fiction book that tells you the things non-fiction books tell but in a form of a story with emotions which is more impactful

I’m definitely going to read more of Matt Haig’s books because I like this type of Literary Fiction book that is well-researched. They are stories as well as with some profound messages. 

The author has done good research on this topic of regrets, depression, and existential crisis. If you don’t know how those people think and feel you can get an idea of it. 

If you have regrets or feel lost in life then you should give this book a try. 

The book is worth the hype. You can definitely go ahead and try this book. But it’s up to you and your current situation in life if you will like this book or not. 

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Prakriti Kajaria

Prakriti Kajaria

I love to talk about books. So I started my Book-Tube channel and then this blog, where you’ll find book reviews and suggestions of different genres mostly thriller, suspense, romance, mystery, and non-fiction.

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