Title: | The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind |
Author: | Joseph Murphy |
Genre: | Self-help, Non-Fiction |
Published On: | 1963 |
No. of Pages: | 304 |
This is a review of “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy.
About The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind is a spiritual self-help classic.
The book is divided into 20 chapters and you will find important points in every chapter at the end of the chapter. It has chapters dedicated to some specific professions
The title says ‘Subconscious Mind’, we have two minds Conscious Mind and the subconscious Mind. The conscious mind is responsible for rationalizing and logical thinking whereas the Subconscious mind is responsible for involuntary actions.
It teaches you how you can use visualization and other suggested techniques to adapt your unconscious behavior in positive ways.
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind Summary
In the book, Dr. Joseph Murphy explains how you can use your Subconscious Mind to achieve your goals, get the results you want, be successful, to live a healthy life.
We know whatever we think affects us mentally and physically. Dr. Joseph Murphy explains his years of scientific research and spiritual analysis of the Conscious and Subconscious Mind.
Book also suggests practical techniques through which one can change their mental and physical well-being by following them.
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind Review
If you want to know what is positive thinking and affirmations. How it works and why it does not work for some then this book really tells you about that.
If you believe in the affirmation you are saying to yourself then it can work but if you don’t believe that then it won’t work. Just like your belief in God. If you believe in god exists then god exists and if you don’t then god doesn’t exist.
Book definitely has a scientific aspect but it also has a religious aspect. Dr. Joseph Murphy is a religious person so that thing really shows in the book. He visited India and many other spiritual places to meet religious and spiritual people to do his research.
It was published in 1963, but even today you’ll find this book on people’s top 20 or 30 lists of self-help books.
I have seen both positive and negative reviews of this book some people say this book has helped them and they love it, whereas some just literally hate this book.
I have mixed opinions on this one some of the things are definitely helpful it has helped me to control negative thoughts whenever I get negative thoughts I just stop and start thinking of positive ones course it doesn’t work all the time but sometimes and that is also quite good.
I just felt that some of the things mostly some examples that are given in the book are a little extreme and make no sense.
One of that examples (in short) is this one:- ‘A girl wanted to buy a car as she had to change 2-3 buses every day to attend her lectures. So she started to imagine as if she is going to the showroom, taking a test drive, making the payment, and driving her car. She started to repeat this every day in her mind. Then one day one of her uncles passed away. He gave his entire estate and car to her. This is how her goal of buying a car came true.
This example is crazy or funny I don’t know but it is too much. This is the craziest thing that can happen to achieve goals. I don’t think this has anything to do with controlling your thoughts or Subconscious mind.
What You Will Learn From The Book
The Subconscious is responsible for involuntary actions so how and what we can feed our mind so that our subconscious mind works according to us in a positive way.
You might have heard or seen this quote “befriend your mind”. So this book tells you a kind of way how you can achieve that.
It says you have to visualize your goals in a way as if you have already achieved them and have to repeat that every day.
It also teaches how you can use affirmations and make affirmations that benefit you. When you are in certain situations how you can make your own affirmations and use them.
There’s a line in the book “What you think on inside will happen outside” This line pretty much sums up what this book will teach you.
Things I Didn’t Like About The Book
If you have read nonfiction self-help books before then you might have noticed that some things are repeated in the whole book. It’s the same with this one. I felt the book could have been shorter if things were not repeated several times.
I was already familiar with some of the things and technics in the book. You might also be familiar with them because the book was published in 1963 and it is very popular, so many people and speakers have already read it.
So if you have watched motivational kind of videos then you will find many familiar things. Well, this is the thing with almost all the older books.
A book is good if you want to understand the subconscious mind and affirmations. Just the repetitive thing gives this book a minus but the content is good you will either find it amazing or just disgusting. That depends on you.