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Home » 41+ Beautiful Quotes From The Song of Achilles – Madeline Miller

41+ Beautiful Quotes From The Song of Achilles – Madeline Miller

In the novel, The Song of Achilles Madeline Miller has given us amazing lines that one can never ignore.

Also Read: The Song of the Achilles Book Review

All of her quotes are so beautiful that people want to use these quotes whenever they can.

Here are Some Beautiful The Song of Achilles Quotes:

  • “And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone.”
  • “I am made of memories.”
  • “In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun.”
  • “He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
  • “When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.”
  • “We were like gods at the dawning of the world, & our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.”
  • “He smiled, and his face was like the sun.”
  • “There are no bargains between lion and men. I will kill you and eat you raw.”
  • “Name one hero who was happy.”
  • “We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence.”
  • “I will never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me.”
  • “I feel like I could eat the world raw.”
  • “When I am dead, I charge you to mingle our ashes and bury us together.”
  • “You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.”
  • “Go,” She says. “He waits for you.”
  • “I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
  • “Bury us, and mark our names above. Let us be free.”
  • “What is admired in one generation is abhorred in another. We cannot say who will survive the holocaust of memory… We are men only, a brief flare of the torch.”
  • “I am air and thought and can do nothing.”
  • “The sorrow was so large it threatened to tear through my skin.”
  • “When he died, all things swift and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.”
  • “He looked different in sleep, beautiful but cold as moonlight. I found myself wishing he would wake so that I might watch the life return.”
  • “Those seconds, half seconds, that the line of our gaze connected, was the only moment in my day that I felt anything at all.”
  • “He was spring, golden and bright. Envious death would drink his blood, and grow young again.”
  • “There is no honour in betraying your friends.”
  • “. . .nothing could eclipse the stain of his dirty, mortal mediocrity.”
  • “He had light enough to make heroes of them all.”
  • “He did not fear ridicule, he had never known it.”
  • “The sound was pure and sweet as water, bright as lemons.”
  • “The flames surround me, and I feel myself slipping further from life, thinning to only the faintest shiver in the air. I yearn for the darkness and silence of the underworld, where I can rest.”
  • “I did not plan to live after he was gone.”
  • “There was nothing clever to say, so I said something foolish.”
  • “Divine blood flows differently in each god-born child.”
  • “Our men liked conquest; they did not trust a man who was conquered himself.”
  • “There was nothing in the world I wanted more than to know what he had not said.”
  • “I have given enough to them. I will not give them this.”
  • “Who was he if not destined for fame?”
  • “Pride became us—heroes were never modest.”
  • “Name one hero who was happy. You can’t.”
  • “His eyelids were the color of the dawn sky; he smelled like the earth after rain.”
  • “We were like gods at the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.”
  • “The never-ending ache of love and sorrow”
  • “I did not hear them. His presence was like a stone in my shoe, impossible to ignore.”

Also Read: Best It Ends With Us Quotes

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Prakriti Kajaria

Prakriti Kajaria

I love to talk about books. So I started my Book-Tube channel and then this blog, where you’ll find book reviews and suggestions of different genres mostly thriller, suspense, romance, mystery, and non-fiction.

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